Thursday, October 8, 2009


"We too have a voice," a collection of poems by students from Mencap National College, a further education college for young people with a learning disability . . .

To compose their poems students, aged between 16 and 25, worked with published writers at a series of creative writing workshops run by the college. All of the words in the poems are the students’ own. Some students were able to write for themselves, others told staff what they wanted to say and they wrote the words down for them and some used signing or responded to questions.

Most of the poems are about growing up and gaining independence and reflect the students’ hopes, fears and dreams for the future.

Jo Williams, Chief Executive of Mencap, said: “Poetry is a powerful medium and a great way for the students to express themselves and present their thoughts and feelings to other people. This collection of poems shows clearly that people with a learning disability are individuals with unique personalities, likes and dislikes, goals and aspirations. The student’s poems are evidence of their abilities, creative powers and love of life.” - BOOKS FOR KEEPS: the Children's Book Magazine

Here is a beautiful sample from the book:

In my future
- Stephanie Hurn

In my future
dark roses will bloom brighter,
robins will sing their hearts out,
grass will grow greener,
sky will spread brighter blue
and the sea will stay warm and calm.

In my future
the sun will blaze
like a golden fire,
the stars will sparkle
like diamond rings
and I will have
all the love
and peace
and happiness
in the world.

‘We too have a voic
e’ can be purchased by contacting Tracy Wardle on 01935 415902. The book costs £9.95. All proceeds from the book go to Mencap.

For further information: Lucy Pile, Mencap press office 020 7696 6017,

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