Wednesday, July 10, 2013

I Want!

I drink pot after pot of strong, black tea every day. (I don't drink coffee at all) Because I drink so much of the stuff, I almost always make it with my electric tea maker (for which I hold a deep and unconditional love). A single cup is a rare occurrence, usually involving special teas. I may have to rethink my habits, because I want these tea infusers . . .

Rubber Ducky, you're the one . . .

Danger! Danger! Will Robinson . . .

Brewed and operational, sir . . .

I see the Titanic . . .

Duh, Duh, Dun . . .

 Sure looks like a mermaid to me . . .

We all live in a yellow submarine . . .

Ahh! A nice, refreshing dip . . .

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