Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I'm sorry. I just had to break with my plan for today. rice cakes
While reading Broadsheet, I came across a poem by Rebecca Traister I just
HAD to share with you. I'm sure
a lot of us echo her sentiment -

I do not eat rice cakes and salad
I do not eat things bland and pallid
I will not eat yogurt parfait
Life's not about how much I weigh
I don't like crap in place of lunch
When what I crave are taste and crunch (but not rice cakes)
I'll have good pizza, I'll have some sushi
I'll eat a cheeseburger with John Belushi
I'm a chick, there's no doubt of it
But take your Diet Coke and shove it

three pizzasRebecca Traister

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