Sunday, March 8, 2009

And I Learned

There is one book on my shelf that I find myself drawn to often these days. It is a book of poems and stories by local high school juniors and seniors. When I say local, I mean places like Olivehurst, Linda ... It is, in turns, painful and beautiful to read. It's called, Love Ties My Shoes, and is actually a CSU Chico publication (2004). I highly recommend it. Trying to decide on what to share has been difficult, but I hope you like my choice.

I Learned

My mom taught me how to be independent and respectful.

My dad taught me how to work as well as how to be responsible.

My sister taught me how to dance.

My teacher taught me how to set goals and how to accomplish them.

He also taught me how to work.

My mom and sister taught me how to cook.

I learned from myself how to have people and things.

- Luis Rodriguez

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