Ink runs from the corners of my mouth.
There is no happiness like mine.
I have been eating poetry.
by Mark Strand
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
My Poetry (etc.)* Posts for:
January - Featured Poet - Tarfia Faizullah - Interview With a Birangona, Ramadan Aubade, Aubade Wedding,
- Surprise! Surprise! - Stephen Crane - In the Desert,
February - Featured Poet - Jennifer Chang - Genealogy, Again a Solstice, The Skin's Broken Aria,
- Afghan Women's Writing Project, Her memory will be a flower tucked into literature’s turban. / In her loneliness, every sister cries for her,
- New Poetry Journals - Spoon River Poetry Review, Frogpond - How We Met, Wistful Thinking,
- Series: I - The Early Years
- Book Reviews (Sort Of) Aimless Love - Billy Collins
March - Featured Poet - Samantha Thornhill - Ode To An Apron, Sunday Mornings, Ode To Twins,
- I Found a New (to Me) Poet! - Stevie Smith - Not Waving But Drowning, In My Dreams, Do Not!,
April - Featured Poet - Camille Dungy - Characteristics of Life, First Fire, Pity,
- What is Poetry To Me? (National Poetry Month: Reach for the Horizons Blog Tour for 2014)
May - Featured Poet - Katherine Larson - The Oranges in Uganda, Water Clocks, Study for Love's Body, Nursery Rhyme for Another Century,
- Series: II - The Game is Afoot
June - Featured Poet - Sandra Beasley - Cherry Tomatoes, Vocation, Flour is Firm,
- Series: III - Some of My Favorites
July - Featured Poet - Aimee Nezhukumatathil - What I Learned From the Incredible Hulk, The Rolling Saint First Anniversary With Monkeys, Are All the Break-Ups in Your Poems Real?, Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia,
August - Featured Poet - Claire Kageyama-Ramakrishnan - Terzanelle: Manzanar Riot
- Series: IV - Cats
- Most Life-Changing Books by Women
September -
October - Featured Poet -
November - Featured Poet -
December - Featured Poet -
I - The Early Years / II - The Game is Afoot / III - Some of My Favorites / IV - Cats / V - /
Monthly Featured Poet
January - Tarfia Faizullah / February - Jennifer Chang / March - Samantha Thornhill / April - Camille Dungy / May - Katherine Larson / June - Sandra Beasley / July - Aimee Nezhukumatathil / August - Claire Kageyama-Ramakrishnan / September - / October - / November - / December -
Saturday Farmer's Market
A Brief Respite / I've Got Worms! / Orangez! We Haz Orangez! / Spring Tradition (A Bit Early) / Winter? / Getting Ready / Flowers & Rain & Stuff To Do / Thingz Iz Asartin' T Happin' / It's Official! Spring is Here! / A Little Bit of Mom's Handiwork / and Spring Continues . . . / Inventory + / Happy Saturday / It's May / New Toy Alert! / My Friends Are Back! / Good Morning Glories! / Happy Easter!? / Good Day, Sunshine / One Step Backward / Change / Plums! and Some Other Stuff / In a Walden State of Mind / Summer / Garden Therapy / Thy Days Go On * / Dog Days / A Little Indoor Gardening / My Little Crumb . . . / Late Again! / Still Maintaining / Or Facsimile Thereof / Temporary Interruption of Service / Taking Stock /

January - The Poetry Project: Let's Talk About Christina Rossetti, A Birthday, Clouds, Who Has Seen the Wind?
- Conversations With Poetry . . . Or Between Poets . . . Or Poems, The Passionate Shepherd to His Love - Christopher Marlowe
Guess it's the Right Month for This Topic, Hate - James Stevens
- Guess What I Did This Weekend - Make a Perpetual Calendar Journal,
February - The Poetry Project: February* is Known As the Most Depessing of Months, So I
February - The Poetry Project: February* is Known As the Most Depessing of Months, So I
- Book Reviews (Sort Of) The Book of American Negro Poetry, The Moon is Always Female, The Trouble
With Poetry, Dunbar - Anne Spencer, My Mother's Novel - Marge Piercy, from: You, Reader & The Introduction - Billy Collins
With Poetry, Dunbar - Anne Spencer, My Mother's Novel - Marge Piercy, from: You, Reader & The Introduction - Billy Collins
- You Know, With All the Hoopla About Who Can and Can't Get Married, It's Best to Remember . . . , Two Loves - Lord Alfred Douglas
- Book Reviews (Sort Of) Ariel, The Swarm - Sylvia Plath
March - The Poetry Project: This Month's Poetry Project Prompt (See What I Did There) Is Poetry Published
Within the Past Year, [shades of winter] - Lorin Ford
- The Poetry Project: "I took a deep breath and listened to the old bray of my heart. I am. I am. I am.", March - The Poetry Project: This Month's Poetry Project Prompt (See What I Did There) Is Poetry Published
Within the Past Year, [shades of winter] - Lorin Ford
- In What Unexpected Places Do You Find Poetry?, A Good Poet's Boots - Jim Culleny
April - It's National Poetry Month!, Pastoral - Jennifer Chang
April - It's National Poetry Month!, Pastoral - Jennifer Chang
- Put a Poem in Your Pocket, When I Consider How My Light is Spent - John Milton
May - Rules for Critical Thinking ... from Folks Who Should Know,
- Scaiku, [This one time at lab], [Eureka, I Shout]
- On Raising Readers,
- Book Reviews (Sort Of) I found a bunch of new (to me) poetry books,
- Featured Poet - Countee Cullen - A Brown Girl Dead, To Certain Critics, Yet Do I Marvel
July - Featured Poet - Louise Erdrich - I Was Sleeping Where the Black Oaks Move, Indian Boarding School: The Runaways, The Strange People
- The Poetry Project: My Favorite of Shakspeare's Sonnets . . ., [When my love swears that she is made of truth]
- Book Reviews (Sort Of) I found a bunch of new (to me) poetry books,
- Featured Poet - Countee Cullen - A Brown Girl Dead, To Certain Critics, Yet Do I Marvel
July - Featured Poet - Louise Erdrich - I Was Sleeping Where the Black Oaks Move, Indian Boarding School: The Runaways, The Strange People
- The Poetry Project: My Favorite of Shakspeare's Sonnets . . ., [When my love swears that she is made of truth]
- Save America With Poetry Campaign! Day One, Twenty-First. Night. Monday., by Anna Akhmatova
- Save America With Poetry Campaign! Day Two, God’s Justice, by Anne Carson
August - Featured Poet - Lucille Clifton - poem in praise of menstruation, poem to my uterus, wishes for sons, the lost baby poem, it was a dream, slave ships, jasper texas 1998, here rests
- Save America With Poetry Campaign! Day Three, memory, by Lucille Clifton
- Save America With Poetry Campaign! Day Four, A Man and a Woman, by Alan Feldman
- Save America With Poetry Campaign! Day Five, America, by Allen Ginsberg
- Save America With Poetry Campaign! Day Six, Bamboo and a Bird, by Linda Gregg
- Save America With Poetry Campaign! Day Seven, A Sick Child, by Randall Jarrell
- Save America With Poetry Campaign! Day Eight, Black People & White People Were Said, by Kerry Johannsen
- Save America With Poetry Campaign! Day Nine, Topography, by Sharon Olds
- Save America With Poetry Campaign! Day Ten, Wild Geese, by Mary Oliver
- Save America With Poetry Campaign! Day Eleven, Written in Pencil in the Sealed Railway-Car, by Dan Pagis
- Save America With Poetry Campaign! Day Twelve, Merengue, by Mary Ruefle
- Save America With Poetry Campaign! Day Thirteen, Ballad of Orange and Grape, by Muriel Rukeyser
- Save America With Poetry Campaign! Day Fourteen, Waiting for Icarus, by Muriel Rukeyser
- Save America With Poetry Campaign! Day Fifteen, American Classic, by Louis Simpson
- Save America With Poetry Campaign! Day Sixteen, The Geraniums, by Genevieve Taggard
- Save America With Poetry Campaign! Day Seventeen, Song of Speaks-Fluently, by Speaks-Fluently
- Save America With Poetry Campaign! Day Eighteen, Traveling Through The Dark, by William Stafford
- Save America With Poetry Campaign! Day Nineteen, When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer, by Walt Whitman
- Save America With Poetry Campaign! Day Twenty, Our Dust, by C. D. Wright
- I Know that Among My Small Following Are a Few Teachers,
September - Featured Poet - E. E. Cummings - i carry your heart with me[i carry it in], i like my body when it is with your,
- Have You Ever . . . Faked it?,
- Poetry & the Garden, I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud, by William Wordsworth
- New Skills Alert!,
October - Can You Write A Biography in 7 Words?,
November - Featured Poet - Wislawa Szymborska
- I Enjoy Reading What Writers Have to Say About Writing, Especially Those Who Make Me Smile,
December - The Lists That Started it All ... Continued ... ,
Saturday Farmer's Market
Never Enough / Fruitses / La Fleur Esta Bonita / A Garden Journal / Maiden, Mother, Crone / Odds & Ends / Herbs / Growing Pains / Mid-Summer Mums / More Odds & Ends / Roses! / More Roses & Fall is Coming / Reflections / Growing Sunshine / Terraforming (Winter Projects) / Still Holding On / Ramblings & Recipes / The Never Ending Story ... / Change is in the Air / A Post in Time of Plague / Fall Blooms / Good Grief / Autumn Color /
Monthly Featured Poet
Countee Cullen - June / Louise Erdrich - July / Lucille Clifton - August / E. E. Cummings - September / Wislawa Szymborska - November /

A Different Kind of Poetry Challenge
Read More, Blog More #1: January - Reflection and Peer Workshops,
Read More, Blog More #2: February - Edna St. Vincent Millay & Self-awareness, I, Being Born a Woman and Distressed - Edna St. Vincent Millay
Read More, Blog More #3: March - What makes a room one's own?, There is no frigate like a book - Emily Dickinson
Read More, Blog More #4: April - Haiku,
Read More, Blog More#5: May - How do you think we can teach kids to love poetry?, If the World Was Crazy - Shel Silverstein
Read More, Blog More #6: May - To Challenge Myself . . . Living a Haiku Year,
Read More, Blog More #7: June - "A Haiku life",
August - The Poetry Project: Poem by a Pulitzer Prize winner, Champs d’Honneur & [Blank Verse] - Ernest Hemingway
- On writing in books, Marginalia - Billy Collins
- Poetry, Good for What Ails You,
- Book Review (Sort Of) - American Smooth, I've Been a Stranger in a Strange Land; Cozy Apologia; Looking Up From the Page, I Am Reminded of this Mortal Coil - by Rita Dove
September - The Poetry Project: A Classic Poem, A Dream Within a Dream - Edgar Allen Poe
- Poetry, Good for What Ails You,
- Book Review (Sort Of) - American Smooth, I've Been a Stranger in a Strange Land; Cozy Apologia; Looking Up From the Page, I Am Reminded of this Mortal Coil - by Rita Dove
September - The Poetry Project: A Classic Poem, A Dream Within a Dream - Edgar Allen Poe
- Guess who I ran into, Regret - Troy Jollimore
- Book Review (Sort Of) - Leaving Yuba City, The Geography Lesson - Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
- Book Review (Sort Of) - Gorrill's Orchard, Watching Her Swim - Jeanne E. Clark
- Book Review (Sort Of) - Gorrill's Orchard, Watching Her Swim - Jeanne E. Clark
- Goody! Goody! (Two new poetry collections), Poem About My Rights - June Jordan
October - The Poetry Project: Aren't We All Haunted? Halloween Poetry, Haunted Houses - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
- [UPDATE] Poetry, Good for What Ails You, What is This Road? - Sheenagh Pugh; Leisure - William Henry Davies; The Peace of Wild Things - Wendell Berry
- Book Review (Sort Of) - Native Guard, My Mother Dreams Another Country - Natasha Trethewey
November - The Poetry Project: Book Reviews (Sort Of) - Morning Haiku, Narrow Road to the Deep North,
- Book Review (Sort Of) - Holocaust Poetry, First They Came for the Jews - Pastor Niemoller, The Butterfly - Pavel Friedmann, IF - Edward Bond
- Lest We Forget, For the Fallen - Laurence Binyon
- Book Review (Sort Of) - Holocaust Poetry, First They Came for the Jews - Pastor Niemoller, The Butterfly - Pavel Friedmann, IF - Edward Bond
- Lest We Forget, For the Fallen - Laurence Binyon
- They're Talking About MY Blog - Cartoon, Savage Chickens
- Some Qs & As, A Certain Slant of Light - Emily Dickinson
December - The Poetry Project: A Bit of a Reflection, On The Subject of Poetry - W.S. Merwin
- The Virtual Advent Tour, [little tree] - e.e.cummings
What Does a Poet Laureate do?
Billy Collins / Kay Ryan / Robert Pinsky / Rita Dove / Robert Hass / Joseph Brodsky / Ted Kooser, . . .
*NOTE: Not all posts linked here are about poetry or a part of the Poetry Project, but they are all my original blather about books, reading, literacy, poetry, etc.