Saturday, March 3, 2012

Wow! Check It Out. Book Reviews. Sort of.

Part of my reading challenge this year is to write reviews of the books I read.

I am not a critic, just an avid reader. And since my time is limited and I don't want to sacrifice reading time to write about reading, even a line or two will suffice.

I'm a beginner at this and more or less cultivating a new habit. I'm so new at this in fact, that until now it never occurred to me to publish my reviews on their own pages and link to them.


So this post will mark a bit of blog reorganization. I will be changing and updating a few other pages, but hopefully everything will end up simple and accessible. You know, like government.

The totality of my reading and reviews will still be linked on the left sidebar in: My Reading Challenges for 2012

NOTE: These are not, in any way, meant to be comprehensive reviews.  
They are intended to acknowledge that I have read the book and give my honest core impressions. 

If a real review is what you wish, there are many wonderful book blogs available, and I have provided some tools to find them under the tab marked "Useful."

So without further ado, the first of my reviews for 2012:

Cat of the CenturyRita Mae Brown
Sneaky Pie Brown is as amusing and entertaining as ever. And an old mystery is solved along with the new one. Although I am glad for Harry's good fortune and renewed happiness with husband Fair, I truly miss the old days of the post office and sweet rolls.        

Cat Striking Back - Shirley Rousseau Murphy     

As I sat reading this story about intelligent cats who talk with humans and help solve murders, (I hope I haven't given anything away) I was watching my cat figure out how to unlock and open our front door. He hasn't talked to me yet. But I'm not entirely convinced that he can't!

Bonds, tentative but real, are forming between
the Clowder from the ruins and our heroes Joe, Dulcie, and Kit. This series always makes me smile.    

Mile 81 - Stephen King       
I read this one on my NookColor while sitting at the Starbucks in Barnes & Noble. There. Did I drop enough names?! Those who've been with me for a while might remember that the Nook was a present on my last birthday from my husband. I still love it. And B&N is my home away from home since the last book store closed in our town.

Now, about the story. It had the quick aggressiveness of campfire stories. Not much in the way of finesse, heavy in scare tactics.  It wasn't my favorite King short story, but I still enjoyed it.


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