This feature, originally known as Saturday Farmer's Market, was created by Heather at Capricious Reader, and was then hosted by Chris at Stuff as Dreams are Made on.
If anyone would like to share their own gardening adventures with me - large or small, inside or out - I would love to see them.
Just leave a link to your post in the comments.
Let's start with some Cactus, shall we?
The one in the picture above is commonly known as the Old Man Cactus. From what I understand it won't bloom for it's first 10 -20 years of life. I hope I can keep it alive that long. They grow to about 8 feet in the wild but mine will be staying in the conservatory for the foreseeable future.
In the picture below are a couple different Barrel Cacti and a Grafted one. I am new to Cactus and Succulents so I know next to nothing about them yet.
Here a a few Succulents.
So far, the biggest difference I have found between Cacti & Succulents is that Succulents are marginally harder to kill than Cacti if your tendency is to over water. Remember, I said marginally.
Given that I live in California and water conservation is the watchword these days, I am trying to transition in to more water wise plants, inside as well as out. It's a good thing that they tend to be fairly inexpensive because I occasionally drown one.
I found a site called Hello Poetry, which has a page full of poetry about Cacti. I believe this is poetry by individuals who just post on the site. Some of them are pretty good. Click on the site name to visit.
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