Sunday, March 9, 2014

Will Work for Flowers . . .

Garden of Bees
- Matthew Rohrer

The narcissus grows past

the towers. Eight gypsy

sisters spread their wings

in the garden. Their gold teeth

are unnerving. Every single

baby is asleep. They want

a little money and I give

them less. I'm charming and

handsome. They take my pen.

I buy the poem from the garden

of bees for one euro. A touch

on the arm. A mystery word.

The sky has two faces.

For reasons unaccountable

my hand trembles.

In Roman times if they were
horrified of bees they kept it secret

Destroyer and Preserver (Mar 15, 2011 * Hummock in the Malookas: Poems (The National Poetry Series) (Nov 17, 1996) * A Green Light (May 1, 2004) * Satellite (Apr 1, 2001) * A Plate of Chicken (May 15, 2009) * Rise Up (Apr 1, 2007)

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