Sunday, July 31, 2016


A note about BOOK REVIEWS. Sort Of.:

These are not, in any way, meant to be comprehensive reviews. They are intended to acknowledge that I have read the book, and give my honest core impressions.

If a real review is what you wish, there are many wonderful book blogs available, and I have provided some tools to find them under the tab marked "Useful Stuff."


An Unsuitable Job For A Woman (audiobook) - P. D. James

This was more like a pleasant BBC radio play than an audiobook.

The first book in the Cordelia Gray series presents us with a young private detective on her first case after the suicide of her boss and mentor.

Though a relative novice, doing a job most often thought of as 'men's work,' Miss Gray acquits herself admirably.

The Talisman (audiobook) - Stephen King & Peter Straub

The usual heraldic quest to save the damsel/world, coupled with much danger, death, and magic.

This wasn't one of my favorite King stories. Not even close to the top of the list, me thinks.

The Library Policeman (audiobook) - Stephen King

Even though I read the entire story, I just could not get into into it no matter how hard I tried.

I guess, since from childhood libraries have been a source of wonder, enlightenment, discovery, and solace for me, my mind simply rejected the plot.

Face Off (audiobook) - Ed. David Baldacci

Oh My! Oh My! Oh My! Oh My!

A dream anthology for mystery fans!

With pairings of some of my favorite characters and introductions to some I'd yet to read, this has to be easily one of my favorites for the year.

True Detectives (audiobook) - Jonathan Kellerman

Although this is a stand alone novel, it does contain cameos by our old friends Dr. Alex Delaware and Detective Milo Sturgis.

As always, Mr Kellerman keeps the story going well past the point when other authors would have neatly wrapped the plot.

The Mystery Box (audiobook) - Mystery Writers of America, Ed. Brad Meltzer

Some of today's top mystery writers, and each take a unique approach to the same prompt.

These anthologies are a very good way for readers to try writers new to them without a major commitment.

Malice Domestic vol. 6 (audiobook) - Ed. Anne Perry

Another fun anthology of murder & mayhem.

On Writing (audiobook) - Stephen King

“Language does not always have to wear a tie and lace-up shoes.”

Interestingly, Stephen King's book on writing is illustrated by his own life. This book is a memoir from which you can pull lessons, and interesting on both counts.

The Colorado Kid (audiobook)- Stephen King

Although King's trademark character building ability is present in this novella, it comes across as a tepid story told by Statler & Waldorf.

Mr. Mercedes (audiobook) - Stephen King

In this novel, Mr. King has given us a murder mystery and thriller with vivid characters and a plot that demands attention.

It is also the first book in a series of three. (Like we haven't heard that before.)


Doctor Sleep - Stephen King

It was nice to finally find out what happened to Danny Torrence after he and his mom escaped the Overlook Hotel all those years ago.

He hasn't had an easy time of it, but those who suffer trauma rarely do. And boy did he suffer trauma.

In my opinion, well done.

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