Below is a list of assorted Reading Challenges
I've chosen to take on this year.
You can click on a badge to be taken to the sign up page
for that particular challenge,
in case you are interested in joining as well.
Next to each badge you will also find a link to a page on this blog documenting my progress (or lack thereof) in that challenge.
This page is linked in the side bar to:
with its pretty tree of books.
This page is linked in the side bar to:
with its pretty tree of books.
If you are interested in joining a challenge but are not drawn to any on my list, here is a link that offers many other choices: A NOVEL CHALLENGE.
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Hosted by: Carrie from Books And Movies.
Any book written by an Irish author, set in Ireland, or involving Irish history or Irish characters, counts for the challenge, and can also apply to other challenges.
Any book written by an Irish author, set in Ireland, or involving Irish history or Irish characters, counts for the challenge, and can also apply to other challenges.
The goal is to read one book
(or more) a week for 52 weeks.
From: Savvy Verse & Wit.

The challenge is to read just 1 book of poetry. Or Serena will be selecting a poetry book for a read-a-long midway through the challenge.

Reading to raise awareness, knowledge, and acceptance of mental illness, both fiction (books featuring characters with a mental illness depicted in a sympathetic light) and nonfiction (from self-help books to academic books on the topic). No book read for the challenge may demonize the mentally ill.

The project will work a little like an informal reading group: for the whole of 2011, we’ll be reading a book a month from this list of classic feminist fiction and non-fiction, and each of us will be in charge of the subsequent discussion for three months.
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